Hi all,
Does anyone has experience with Acymailing 6 on WP installation with multisite network enabled?
Is Acymailing compatible with this WP feature?
Thank you for answers
Hi all,
Does anyone has experience with Acymailing 6 on WP installation with multisite network enabled?
Is Acymailing compatible with this WP feature?
Thank you for answers
We have users who are using AcyMailing on multisite network without any issues
There shouldn't be a problem with that
We don't have much information about this kind of setup though, I am afraid
I've installed and activated Acymailing on an already existed network with 3 websites but it works only on 2 of them !
Version 5.6.4 (dernière version : 5.7.2)
Langue du site fr_FR
Langue du compte fr_FR
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
URL de la page d’accueil www.monalisa-domicile.fr
URL du site www.monalisa-domicile.fr
Structure des permaliens /%category%/%postname%/
Est-ce que ce site utilise HTTPS ? Oui
S’agit-il d’un multisite ? Oui
Tout le monde peut-il s’inscrire sur ce site ? Non
Ce site décourage-t-il les moteurs de recherche ? Oui
État par défaut des commentaires Ouvert
Type d’environnement production
Nombre de comptes 4
Nombre de sites 3
Nombre de réseaux 1
Communication avec WordPress.org WordPress.org est accessible
AcyMailing Version 7.5.7
WordPress Version actuelle : 5.7.2
Works on 2 websites only
Please open support ticket using our contact form on the main site and provide all access details to the sites so we can take a look