Hi all,

Does anyone has experience with Acymailing 6 on WP installation with multisite network enabled?
Is Acymailing compatible with this WP feature?

Thank you for answers 🙂

We have users who are using AcyMailing on multisite network without any issues

There shouldn't be a problem with that

We don't have much information about this kind of setup though, I am afraid

9 months later

I've installed and activated Acymailing on an already existed network with 3 websites but it works only on 2 of them !
Version 5.6.4 (dernière version : 5.7.2)
Langue du site fr_FR
Langue du compte fr_FR
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
URL de la page d’accueil www.monalisa-domicile.fr
URL du site www.monalisa-domicile.fr
Structure des permaliens /%category%/%postname%/
Est-ce que ce site utilise HTTPS ? Oui
S’agit-il d’un multisite ? Oui
Tout le monde peut-il s’inscrire sur ce site ? Non
Ce site décourage-t-il les moteurs de recherche ? Oui
État par défaut des commentaires Ouvert
Type d’environnement production
Nombre de comptes 4
Nombre de sites 3
Nombre de réseaux 1
Communication avec WordPress.org WordPress.org est accessible


    To start with, you should update your AcyMailing version 5 to the latest available version, whcih is 5.10.21

    Your version is really old now.

    4 days later

    AcyMailing Version 7.5.7
    WordPress Version actuelle : 5.7.2
    Works on 2 websites only

    Please open support ticket using our contact form on the main site and provide all access details to the sites so we can take a look