When track clicks is enabled all links (articles on website from post module in newsletter) lead to these urls:
mysite.com/article/?idU=1 resulting in 449 error page. Pressing F5 loads the actual page.
Turning off tracking "solves" this problem.
How can I make these links in newsletter work on the first click and tracking also works?
Using Wordpress.

  • I found it after testing a ton of settings! It seems some NGINX firewall settings on server create this problem, and seemingly only for Wordpress. (Joomla version works well on this same server)
    I had to disable:
    -non-www to www redirection
    -referer spam protection
    And it works:-)

No, I don't have subscription:-(
Using the free version so far.
But I did send a mail;-)

    I would by Essential or Enterprice gladly, if this bug didn't stop me. Free version doesn't have this bug on Joomla, btw. Only on wordpress. Turned off all plugins and nothing. Turned off Acymailing plugin and voila, links load prefectly when clicked in emails. So something weird is happening for sure.


      Acyba offers a 30 day money back guarantee. So you have no risk and you will be entitled for ticket support.

      I found it after testing a ton of settings! It seems some NGINX firewall settings on server create this problem, and seemingly only for Wordpress. (Joomla version works well on this same server)
      I had to disable:
      -non-www to www redirection
      -referer spam protection
      And it works:-)

      Normally the non-www to www redirect should not cause issues.