We use the integration between Acymailing and Woocommerce. There are two ways we want the automation to work:

Option 1
An order in Woocommerce should trigger the automation and the automation sets the user on the right lists.

Option 2
Our costumer service sets the user on the right list and the automation should be triggered.

The woocommerce trigger works only sometimes and the subscribe trigger does not work. And we want to understand why.


I noticed you also raised a support ticket for this. Please be so kind to post your questions only once, either as a supportt ticket or in the forum. Thank you for understanding!

    jvstratum Dear mr Van Stratum, I know. But we aren't getting any further with the supportdesk. We have been e-mailing with them for two weeks now and we haven't made any progress at all. Is it possible to hire you to look at our problems. This isn't the only problem but it is the most urgent one. We went from Acy 5 to Acy 7 and life hasn't been better since. That is why I posted the
    issue here as well.

    The automation that didnt't work was the first we had made in Acy7. Al the other automations did work. So we made the automation again and now it works. With exactly the same configurations. Now idea why, but very happy it works. So if somebody else had this problem, there is a simple solution to it. Still very strange...


    I don't know why that happened. But it's great you've managed to solve the issue, enjoy your Acymailing!