Here is a suggestion to be inserted in the next version. On AcyMailing 5 for Joomla : showing lists name during sending process.
We use AcyMailing to send NL for each stores of a customer. Name and subject lists are the same, only the footer of the text and name lists are differents. We send up to 8 lists at a time. Without this modification we could not see on wich store the process is.
Here is my modification :
In file /administrator/components/com_acymailing/helpers/queue.php
I have added this in line 76 :
$listmailClass = acymailing_get('class.listmail');
$listmailElement = $listmailClass->getLists($this->mailid);
foreach($listmailElement as $k => $list) {
if ($list->mailid != $this->mailid) unset ($listmailElement[$k]);
and this one after the closing body tag ("</body>") :
$disp .= '<h2>Newsletter (id '.$this->mailid.') : ';foreach ($listmailElement as $list) $disp .= " - ".$list->name;$disp .= '</h2>';
Hope these modifications can be added to the next version.
Best regards