Here is a suggestion to be inserted in the next version. On AcyMailing 5 for Joomla : showing lists name during sending process.
We use AcyMailing to send NL for each stores of a customer. Name and subject lists are the same, only the footer of the text and name lists are differents. We send up to 8 lists at a time. Without this modification we could not see on wich store the process is.
Here is my modification :
In file /administrator/components/com_acymailing/helpers/queue.php
I have added this in line 76 :
$listmailClass = acymailing_get('class.listmail');
$listmailElement = $listmailClass->getLists($this->mailid);
foreach($listmailElement as $k => $list) {
if ($list->mailid != $this->mailid) unset ($listmailElement[$k]);

and this one after the closing body tag ("</body>") :
$disp .= '<h2>Newsletter (id '.$this->mailid.') : ';foreach ($listmailElement as $list) $disp .= " - ".$list->name;$disp .= '</h2>';

Hope these modifications can be added to the next version.

Best regards

    We don't add any new features to version 5 because all our focus is with version 7

    If your modification is working for you, I am afraid that you will have to apply it to the new version if we release it

    7 months later


    Hello Mystral77,
    Great, this is exactly what I have been looking for hours.
    The problem is that it doesn't work for me. I'm doing something wrong, I'm not a professional either, just basic.
    From Line 76 of queue.php:

    			              $modules = apache_get_modules();
    			              $this->mod_security2 = in_array('mod_security2', $modules);
    		                      @ini_set('output_buffering', 'off');
    		                      @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
    			              while(ob_get_level() > 0 && $this->obend++ < 3){
    				      $test = @ob_get_clean();

    Where should I add your code?
    From line 245 closing body tag ("</body>"):
    echo "</body></html>";
    while($this->obend-- > 0){

    Same question...Where should I add your code?
    It would be very nice if you could help me, preferably a little more detailed... of course if you have time and desire.

    Thanks a lot in advance,
    Greetings Gerry

      Hello Gerry,

      Here is the start of process function :

      public function process(){
      	$queueClass = acymailing_get('class.queue');
      	$queueClass->emailtypes = $this->emailtypes;
      	$queueElements = $queueClass->getReady($this->send_limit, $this->mailid);
      		$this->finish = true;
      			acymailing_display('<a href="'.acymailing_completeLink('queue').'" target="_blank">'.acymailing_translation('NO_PROCESS').'</a>', 'warning');
      		return true;
      	// Added
      	$listmailClass = acymailing_get('class.listmail');
      	$listmailElement = $listmailClass->getLists($this->mailid);
      	foreach($listmailElement as $k => $list) {
      		if ($list->mailid != $this->mailid) unset ($listmailElement[$k]);
      	// End added
      			$modules = apache_get_modules();
      			$this->mod_security2 = in_array('mod_security2', $modules);
      		@ini_set('output_buffering', 'off');
      		@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
      			while(ob_get_level() > 0 && $this->obend++ < 3){
      		$disp = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />';
      		$disp .= '<title>'.acymailing_translation('SEND_PROCESS').'</title>';
      		$disp .= '<style>body{font-size:12px;font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;}</style></head><body>';
      		// Added
      		$disp .= '<h2>Newsletter (id '.$this->mailid.') : ';foreach ($listmailElement as $list) $disp .= " - ".$list->name;$disp .= '</h2>';
      		// End added
      		$disp .= '<div style="margin-bottom: 18px;padding: 8px !important; background-color: #fcf8e3; border: 1px solid #fbeed5; border-radius: 4px;"><p style="margin:0;">'.acymailing_translation('ACY_DONT_CLOSE').'</p></div>';
      		$disp .= "<div style='display: inline;background-color : white;border : 1px solid grey; padding : 3px;font-size:14px'>";


      Hope it will help you !

      Best regards

        Hello Mystral77,
        many, many thanks... now it works. I am very happy! 🙂
        I wish you all the best,
        Greetings Gerry