Is Acymaling 5.10.21 compatible with Joomla 3.10.2 ?
Joomla warns to update before installing version .1 or .2, but still always 5.10.21 since August ? Will there be a upgrade soon ?


It is compatible so you can update to that version without any issues

Version 5 won't be compatible with Joomla 4 for sure

    Glad I could help

    24 days later


    I am not moving to Joomla 4 as ACYmailing V7 is not at all at the same level of ACYmailing 5 for frontend sending of newsletter and because of your response "Version 5 won't be compatible with Joomla 4 for sure".
    Meanwhile I see that The Joomla 4 compatibility has been added in "Improvements & fixes
    Joomla for AcyMailing 5.10.22".
    Can you confirm that you have decided to give compatibility with Joomla 4 for ACYmailing 5 ?
    Many Thanks

    Version 5 is compatible with Joomla 4 with the latest release

    Please next time, open your own forum topic and don't just post your questions into someone else topic. Thank you in advance!

    9 days later

    Sorry but it seems that not possible with joomla! 3.10 to .1, .2 and .3 updates
    Joomla 3.10.0 update test requires upgrading from AcyMailing 5.10.23 to 7.6.1.
    See screenshot at
    When ignore it, the joomla update fails.
    (I am not enthusiastic about version 7. Some useful options have been removed since version 5)
    Any other other suggestion ?

    Please open a support ticket using our contact form, so we can take a look

    Version 5 is compatible with Joomla 3.10.x for sure