We have an automatic campaign that includes the three most recently published blog posts. Is it possible to set up a dynamic subject line that includes the title of the most recent post?
Dynamic subject line?
jvstratumSupport Senior
I'm afraid this is not possible.
It could be a nice idea though. We have a feature request page on our website (https://www.acymailing.com/feature-requests/) so that people can vote and share their ideas with us. We will then be able to develop the most wanted ones.
jvstratumSupport Senior
- Edited
Good news, I was wrong about this. :-)
This is actually possible to achieve. You can put something like this into the Subject line:
{autoarticle:1-| display:title| pict:0| order:publish_up,desc| onlynew:1|max:1}
or for K2 article (as an example)
{autok2:1-| display:title| pict:0| max:1| order:publish_up,desc| onlynew:1}
Please test your tag thoroughly before you actually send a campaign to your subscribers.
Hello! Many thanks for this. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. Are you sure the syntax is correct? I'll keep playing with it, but will also submit this and one other idea for the feature request queue.
mihhaSupport Beginner
Did you change the category ID in the code that was suggested?
You have to change number one to your actual category number (from Joomla category manager)
mihhaSupport Beginner
This is category parameter
number "1-" here is category with ID 1
If you have categories with, for example, following IDs: 1,2 and 3, you have to use
You can't have this parameter without the category ID and those IDS have to be the same categories which you selected in the article cotent block as well
mihha Sorry to say, it's still not working. I put this as the email subject:
{autoarticle:91-| display:title| pict:0| order:publish_up,desc| onlynew:1|max:1}
and that's also the subject line that I get in the email test that I send to myself. Is it correct that there are spaces after some of the pipe characters? Are you sure this feature is available in the WordPress version?
In this case, 91 is the category ID of the most recently published article.
mihhaSupport Beginner
Please open a support ticket using our contact form, so I can take a look