Ran a bunch of updates today and something broke my Yootheme Pro based homepage. After loading a backup, I tracked the issue to AcyMailing.

I have 2 themes on my site, one for the homepage with a full screen video and another for the rest of the site.

When I installed the latest AcyMailing, the homepage one no longer loads, it loads the one for the rest of the site. If I go in and disable AcyMailing, it works properly again. Even with all AcyMailing modules off, just enabling the main AcyMailing Component breaks everything again.

I recorded a screen cap demonstrating:

How can I fix this?

Can you tell me when did you update your AcyMailing 5 to the latest version?

This morning. I have reproduced the issue in a localhost environment and verified that the update of the AcyMailing is what breaks the homepage. I went from 5.10.24 to 5.10.27.

I also updated to the latest Joomla release from 3.10.6 to 3.10.8, but in testing, AcyMailing breaks my homepage setup in either version.

To be clear on my setup, I'm using a YooTheme child theme style and not 2 different templates. It's the same template, but with a child theme saved out so that I can use a different layout and menu style on homepage vs internal pages.

This is the live site: https://pdsmemphis.org/

Please open a support ticket using our contact form, so we can take a look

5 days later

I'm seeing the same issue. The site no longer honours any assigned templates and only uses the default. Disabling Acymail 5 corrects the issue.

    alecbart as said, please open a support ticket using our contact form, so we can take a look

    We can confirm the same problem. Updating from v5.10.25 to 5.10.27.

    Has the problem been resolved yet maybe?

      Can you please try to edit file
      components / com_acymailing / router / router.php

      In that file, remove line 22

      Our developers have release version 5.10.28 just now

      That version should fix the issue that you all are experiencing, so please do the upgrade and let us know if that helped

      Updating our dev installation that had the problems, it now seems to be working.
      Did not have a chance to try everything out, but the main bug seems to be gone!