As you have noticed you cannot configure the follow-up to send the emails on a specific day of the week. There's a workaround you can use.
Create yyour follow-up campaign, but do not use subscription to your list as trigger. Instead use another trigger which you don't use.
Create the follow-up emails sending the first one right away and the others with an increment of one more week.
Let's assume your list is List A. Add a welcome email to this list, it will be send automaticly right after the users has confirmed the subscription or immediately after subscription if the user has clicked on a confirmation link before. (When testing please not that the welcome email will be send only once. So when some unsubscribes and then subscribes again he will not receive the welcome email again)
Create a second list (List B) and make sure when someone subscribes to your List A he will automaticly also subscribed to List B.
Setup an Automation:
Trigger: Classic trigger -> Every week on Monday
Actions: Subscribe user to your follow-up campaign AND Remove user from List B
Action targets: User is subscribed to List B