Could be a template issue indeed.
Input fields don't listen to template style anymore
jvstratumSupport Senior
I'm glad you've found the issue, enjoy your Acymailing!
Issue is still not solved, but hopefully it will be soon.
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Issue is still not solved and Yootheme says it's not a template issue.
They say, presumably those forms are not styled because they are not compatible with the Bootstrap version 5 provided by Joomla 4 but rely on the Bootstrap 4 of Joomla 3.x.
Can you confirm the AcyMailing subscription form is Bootstrap 5?
Also with a clean Joomla 4 install (no update from 3) we have this issue.
Kind regards,
jvstratumSupport Senior
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You have a difference in your two css files. If I disable all related css in your Joomla 3 css file the result is the same as you are experiencing on your Joomla 4 site.
In the thread you mentioned earlier the support guy also acknowledges that these css classes are not loaded at all.
The quickest solution would be to add the missing css to the custom css file of your site.
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Hy jvstratum,
It's all a mystery to me. ;-) But FYI This problem is not only present with AcyMailing but also with Hikashop input fields.
The developer has mainly looked at that, but perhaps this also applies to your form input fields?
The developer from Yootheme says:
As already mentioned, your form's elements are not styled because some classes required by Bootstrap 5 are missing:
The input elements have to come with the class form-control (currently missing).
The select elements required the class form-select (currently missing).
These are just some hints to point you in the right direction. Further requirements may apply.
Joomla 4.x natively comes with Bootstrap 5 which is meant to style forms.
In Joomla 3.x it was done with Bootstrap 4 which used/required slightly different classes.
If you switch to Cassiopeia as the frontend template the problem will probably be the same.
As far as I can see this is not a template issue but caused by the missing classes in your HikaShop forms. Once the developers of HikaShop update the forms to comply with Bootstrap 5 they should be styled.
Joomla 4 natively comes with Bootstrap version 5 which is supposed to style the form elements. Bootstrap 5 expects the form elements to have the utility class form-control (follow this link for more details,please). Other aspects also have to be taken care of.
Some elements of your 3rd party extension's form elements do not have the classes required by Bootstrap 5 and thus are not styled. This applies to input and select elements, for instance, which require the classes form-control and form-select respecitvely:
To illustrate this for you I used the browser's developer tools to manually add the classes. As you can see the form is styled once the classes are present:
Mind: I manually added the classes to an instance of your page to simulate what it would look like. But I only added the strings form-control and form-select. I did not edit the look of the fields in the screenshot.
But if they are missing (as it is now) Bootstrap cannot style the input and select elements (and possibly other parts of the form):
If you pass this on to the the developers from Hikashop they will surely know what to do.
I repeat that I can not see an issue with the template here.
Thank you
When we switch to Cassiopeia as the frontend template the problem is the same.
After we added manually the class form-control then the formfield is styled.
You can see that in the screenshot below!
So I think the developer from Yootheme has a point.
Hope you can fix this.
Kind regards,
jvstratumSupport Senior
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We currently don't have plans to add these. Please, feel free to add it as a feature request here: Other users can upvote your idea. The devs use these votes to get insights in the most wanted features.
Meanwhile you can add the missing css to the custom css of your template. I noticed our Hikjashop collegues gave you almost the complete code you have to add. I think you'll only need to add some code for the styling of your button.
I think it is very sad that Acymailing do not even plan to adjust the module style to be compatible with the default Joomla 4 template and the Bootstrap version that J!4 uses by default. The subscription form is just ugly, and for a paid component, I think that basic styling should be done by the developer, not by each and every client. Acymailing currently is not following the coding standards - it cannot be used out of the box if you want a 21st-century look website. Joomla is not only for developers. Please consider to make this update. By the way, I tried to upvote this feature request (by the way, using the default J!4 Bootsrap version should be natural and not a feature) but the page is broken, the interface does not display beacuse of too many redirects. Acymailing is a great product but this might be a deal breaker - I use it on many sites, this is my goto newsletter component for my clients, but now I am hesitatiing if I still want to stick with it - not because of the component itself, but the attitude... I am very very disappointed
AlexandreSupport Senior
As far as I understand we need to add this specific class to every form input we have so that style will be automatically applied right?
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Hi Alexandre,
Yes, I think you have to do that!
At the moment we use this script to add the classes!
`// ADD CLASSES BOOTSTRAP 5 - For AcyMailing form fields
jQuery(function (){
jQuery(function (){
Also we have added a lot of CSS to fix this issue at the moment.
Kind regards,
Where do you add this snippet?
I have the same problem! Do the forms always look so bad under yootheme now?
Dynamic Content is the future for Joomla and Wordpress and Acy does not even manage that the form fields are displayed reasonably???
I will now quickly switch to Brevo, there is already a yootheme plugin by Kicktemp
Annoying now to have to change everything again and that I had unfortunately bought the Enterprise.
Bye bye Acy...
Hi Alexandre, any update on fixing the Bootstrap 5 issue? Support for Joomla 3.x ended pretty long time ago, and the subsription form looks the same ugly as one and half years ago.
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Alexandre @Lumiga Thanks for the hint, I found the BUG (yes, it is a bug), it is in /administrator/components/com_acym/classes/field.php - I added form-control to lines 552 and 558 (name and email fields) so it looks nice now. It is not update-safe, I guess I should create an override but have never needed that before so I have no idea how to do that. Hope that some devs sometimes look at old threads like this and they include this in the next release.