JulioD I have a multilingual site and I need to import users from some files. Every file has users from each language. How to select the language as default for the imported users? Thanks in advance.
jvstratum Hi, This can be done by using a temporary list. Import your users and subscribe them to both your normal list and the temp list. Once done you can run a mass action that will target the users subscribed to your temp list. Set the action to changing the user's language field to the desired language and unsubscribe the user from your temp list. You'll find the mass actions in Acymailing->Automations in the top right corner.
jvstratum Hi, You alway can export users to find out how data is stored in Acymailing. In case of the language field it's simple, you need to use the official language codes. Examples: en-GB for English (UK) it-IT for Italian de-DE for German