• General Talk
  • Colors of this Acymailing forum and website are poorly readable

Hi, I really like the fact your forum is back online and the style of your new website is great.
One thing is an issue for me (and maybe a lot other people). The issue is that the colors you have choosen ar poorly readable.
The combination of a light green text on a white backgroud or a light green background with white text is a problem for mee to read.
I miss the contrast there.
Is it possible for you to make the green a little darker of make the white text black instead of white?
I hope you can help me and other people wit it.


Could you please let me know where those problems appear ?
Maybe you can provide with screenshots so that we can have a look ?

Thanks !


    Hi Alexandre,

    @WoodyF4u has a point here. The light blue, light green and light grey against white backgrounds (or vice versa) have a low contrast ratio making it for a lot of people hard or impossible to read.

    The contrast ratio is app. 1,76:1 where you should try to have a minimum 4,5:1 contrast ratio according the WCAG 2.0 level AA guidelines. You can read more about it here: https://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html

    In the attached file you'll find some examples WoodyF4u is referring to.

    I can imagine all your priorities are at Acymailing v6 (and they sould), but it is good to keep this in mind and to improve it when you have some spare time.

    Best regards,
