Thanks mihha. I turned off the popup.
Thanks for the reply.
I applied the following code per the stylesheet info from the link you sent.
Also enabled Module CSS File and Component Front-end CSS
table {
max-width: 100% !important;
@media(min-width: 10px({
.w600 {width:320px !important;}
.w540 {width:260px !important;}
.w30 {width:30px !important;}
.w600 img {max-width:320px; height:auto !important;}
.w540 img{max-width:320px; height:auto !important;}
to my main template custom.css and to the Acymailing environment Module CSS File and Component Front-end CSS File.
It seemed that this would fix the problem but nothing changed. The browser inspector didn't show the additions I made.
What next?