I have a list of towns in text and I'd like to segment my subscribers that have these towns in their custom field(town).
Segment based on a list of strings that is..is it possible?


Yes, this is possible when you select REGEXP as filter for your field.

The regexp used in the above example will match with both London and Lonon Heathrow. In case you need an exact match like London only matches with London you can add a dollar-sign at the and of the regexp.

    You can create segment like this

    As you can see, it checks the content of the field that is defined by subscriber and returns only those that have their town set as Zagreb

    I see that you also got a response from jvstratum that provides a solution if you need to match multiple towns at once

    jvstratums solution is the one I was looking for. Mihha, yours is surely ok too if I had one condition, but since I have 40 jvstatum takes the prize:-)
    Thank you both!

    You're welcome, enjoy your Acymailing!