I have been the older version of ACY mailing for some time. In that version, after creating a Newsletter issue, I could click on "Click here to view it online" at the top so I could have other people proofread it without having to send them all a test.
When I did the same with the later version, it opens a page in the site and the newsletter is confined in a template columns rather than display in an empty page.
As an example, this is what a "preview" looks like in the older ACY version: https://supportourtroops.org/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=archive&task=view&mailid=208&key=1l4Jd6qL&subid=1-iria7R4tecYKjj&tmpl=component&Itemid=405&utm_source=newsletter_208&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=23-05-22-sot&auid=1660
This is what I get when I use the new one: https://thepoweroftruth.com/component/acym/archive/70-?userid=1-
I can probably create a custom template for that page, but I need to know what template ACY uses and if there is a way to customize it or assign it to the preview.
Thank you