I'm using Acymailing 5 Essential and I always do a spamtest before mailing a new newsletter.
But now suddenly I had to pay for the spamtest.
I've done the spamtest for many years since it is included in the Essential subscription. Last time I used the spamtest was June 10 and then it worked perfect.
Please advise.

Regards, Udo


We would like to let you know that our spamtest feature is exclusively available as part of our Enterprise license. However, we have recently discovered a bug that made this feature accessible in the Essential version, which you have benefited from until now.

We want to inform you that we have fixed this bug and if you would like to continue utilizing the spamtest feature, we kindly invite you to upgrade your license to the Enterprise level.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

  • Udo replied to this.

    That's a pity.
    As far as I remember at the time of my first Essential subscription (2018?) the spamtest was part of the license. But maybe I'm mistaken.

    regards, Udo


    The spam test is an external service, which you can also use manually by visiting https://www.mail-tester.com. The service will give you an email address you can send your test email to. Once done you can check your score on their website.

    Just to remind you, we're sunsetting version 5 by the end of January 2024. After that date you won't get any updates or support anymore. Maybe this is a good time to start expploring v8.