In case anyone bypassed the MySQL query script & instructions and now needs it, below is the exact message Acy posts directly after uninstalling the component.
NOTE: Change the table prefix ( 'x75_' ) to be the prefix on YOUR Database ... ;-)
You uninstalled the AcyMailing component.
AcyMailing also unpublished the modules and system plugins attached to the component.
If you want to completely uninstall AcyMailing, please select all the AcyMailing modules and plugins and uninstall them from the Joomla Extensions Manager.
Then execute this query via phpMyAdmin to remove all AcyMailing data:
DROP TABLE x75_acymailing_action , x75_acymailing_config , x75_acymailing_fields , x75_acymailing_filter , x75_acymailing_forward , x75_acymailing_geolocation , x75_acymailing_history , x75_acymailing_list , x75_acymailing_listcampaign , x75_acymailing_listmail , x75_acymailing_listsub , x75_acymailing_mail , x75_acymailing_queue , x75_acymailing_rules , x75_acymailing_stats , x75_acymailing_subscriber , x75_acymailing_tag , x75_acymailing_tagmail , x75_acymailing_template , x75_acymailing_url , x75_acymailing_urlclick , x75_acymailing_userstats;
If you DO NOT execute the query, you will be able to install AcyMailing again without losing data.
Please note that you don't have to uninstall AcyMailing to install a new version, simply install it over the current version.
For the Query-challenged, there's an easy way:
Acy version 5 table names are "xxx_acymailing_whatever"...
Acy version 7 table names are "xxx_acym_whatever"...
So, to delete all version 5 tables, simply check any box with "xxx_acymailing_etc", and Drop.
Remeber though, once you do this, as mentioned in the Acy note above, you will NOT be able to re-install Acy v.5 and have all of your data. ;-)