HI there,

I am also confused and do not wish to uninstall everything and reinstall just in case I lose campaigns etc. (though I do believe it will leave the V6 database intact if you do not run the scripts, thereby re-populating the new install).
I have uninstalled V5 leaving the following acymailing files as per attached picture
I have two questions
1) can I uninstall all the 3.7 and 1.0 version as on the attached.
2) In another web I have also have an IProperty plug in on V5, Do I have to delete that also as my understanding of V6 is its a complete rewrite and does not use the old plug in system. Can you confirm please.


In the fourth post from the top you can see what you need to keep. The plugins are not being used in v6, so you can safely uninstall those.

When you uninstall Acymailing all your data and settings remains in your database. So whenever you need to revert back you just have to reinstall Acymailing and you're good to go. In case you want to delete the database tables you have to do it manually in phpAdmin.


you are really making too big deal from this 😀

If you want to remove AcyMailing 5 from your Joomla, just remove EVERY extension, module or plugin which has

  • AcyMailing in the name
  • version lower than 6.x in the version column

That is it.

AcyMailing v5 extension, modules and plugins have versions ranging from 1.x to 5.x
AcyMailing v6 extension, modules and plugins have versions ranging from 6.x


6 months later

Yes, OK for ununstalling, but did somebody developped an SQL script to remove in the correct order all the Acymailing 5 tables from the DB ?

After the installation process in Joomla, you should have received a message with the SQL query whcih you can execute in order to delete the tables

OK I got the query after uninstalling Acymailing 5

Great !

2 months later

same problem here but with acy version 5 and 7 , i didnt install version 6
Why dont you make a tool to uninstall version 5 + version tables !

as is its a chaos


    I just replied to this question in youir other thread. Please be so kind to post your questions only once. Thank you for understanding!

    10 months later

    jvstratum I did like this yesterday, and lost the access both to front end and back end of my site, as other users as well.

    Luckily I had a back up.

    But I am disappointed, since I wasted a lot of time for this job (migration from 5.10.21 to 7.6.2).

    Now, I will try again, but first on a demo version of my site.

    6 days later

    Alexandre And what with the still missing features? You cannot just finish the v5 line until the V6+ can do exactly the same at least: distribution list, select x users, import users/update them automatically from external db etc.

    2 months later

    In case anyone bypassed the MySQL query script & instructions and now needs it, below is the exact message Acy posts directly after uninstalling the component.
    NOTE: Change the table prefix ( 'x75_' ) to be the prefix on YOUR Database ... ;-)

    You uninstalled the AcyMailing component.
    AcyMailing also unpublished the modules and system plugins attached to the component.

    If you want to completely uninstall AcyMailing, please select all the AcyMailing modules and plugins and uninstall them from the Joomla Extensions Manager.
    Then execute this query via phpMyAdmin to remove all AcyMailing data:

    DROP TABLE x75_acymailing_action , x75_acymailing_config , x75_acymailing_fields , x75_acymailing_filter , x75_acymailing_forward , x75_acymailing_geolocation , x75_acymailing_history , x75_acymailing_list , x75_acymailing_listcampaign , x75_acymailing_listmail , x75_acymailing_listsub , x75_acymailing_mail , x75_acymailing_queue , x75_acymailing_rules , x75_acymailing_stats , x75_acymailing_subscriber , x75_acymailing_tag , x75_acymailing_tagmail , x75_acymailing_template , x75_acymailing_url , x75_acymailing_urlclick , x75_acymailing_userstats;

    If you DO NOT execute the query, you will be able to install AcyMailing again without losing data.
    Please note that you don't have to uninstall AcyMailing to install a new version, simply install it over the current version.

    For the Query-challenged, there's an easy way:

    Acy version 5 table names are "xxx_acymailing_whatever"...
    Acy version 7 table names are "xxx_acym_whatever"...

    So, to delete all version 5 tables, simply check any box with "xxx_acymailing_etc", and Drop.
    Remeber though, once you do this, as mentioned in the Acy note above, you will NOT be able to re-install Acy v.5 and have all of your data. ;-)