The php issues you have experienced in Joomla 3 are due to the fact that joomla 3 is not compatible with php 8.2. Nevertheless, it's wise to move on to Joomla 4 and Acymailing 9.
When you migrate v5 to v9 your templates and campaigns are migrated as html templates and campaigns. Please note that v9 is al about the new drag & drop editor. As a courtesy a html editor is included in v9, so you can keep using your v5 templates. The html editor is your cms editor and doesn';t contain any special Acymailing features.
If you want to continue to use the html editor you must make use of templates and you need to insert the tags manually. Regarding the tags you need to know that autocontent
has been replaced with autoarticle
We strongly recommend to get familiar with the new drag & drop editor. That way you will always have the latest features available.
Here's the documentation for the templates and inserting articles in your Automatic Campaigns.: