jvstratumSupport Senior
It seems my previous answer was not entirely complete. What you need to do is to create a menu item for each language and make sure these are properly associated. That way Joomla will display the proper language.
It seems my previous answer was not entirely complete. What you need to do is to create a menu item for each language and make sure these are properly associated. That way Joomla will display the proper language.
I'm sorry, but it can't work the way you describe it.
Let's assume my default language is German. Then I create a menu item "item-de". My second language is English, where the menu item is "item-en".
The URLs are now composed as follows.
For German, the URL is http://mydomain.com/item-de
For English, the URL is http://mydomain.com/en/item-en
This is normal Joomla behavior.
In Acymailing, however, I only have one input field for the confirmation mail. Do you see where my problem lies?
I really hope for a solution, I don't have time to send several support mails.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Yes I see your problem, you did not setup the associations.
By adding an association between the two menu items Joomla knows it are the same pages in different languages.
When you use the link for the default language (in your example that would be https://mydomain.com/item-de) as redirect link Joomla will automaticly direct English users to the English page (in your eample https://mydomain.com/en/item-en)
First of all, I would like to thank you for your patience. I have set up the links between the German and English menu items. At first I also thought that this was the solution, but unfortunately it doesn't work. It is always forwarded to the German article, even from the English mails.
How can we solve this problem? I am not the only one who has a multilingual website. I am also sure that it works somehow. Maybe I'm doing something wrong in another place? Sending different newsletters in different languages works.
Once you have setup the language associations Joomla will present the page in the language that matches the browser language. To test the English version you need to change the language of your browser to English first.
Ok, that works so far. But it would be better if this also worked with manual switching via the language switcher. And it would be even better if there was simply an input field for each language where a link can be entered for each language.
Once you've setup all associations Joomla will automaticly present the pages in the proper language. In case you also have the Joomla language switcher enabled on your site, users also can manually change the language of the page. That's how a multilingual Joomla site is supposed to work.
In case you want to know everything about Joomla's multilingual features I can recommend this book: https://www.amazon.nl/-/en/Igor-Mihaljko-ebook/dp/B074Y1LML6
It is not clear at all.
My multilanguage site is configured and everythings works but the subscription confirmation page.
Languages: it-IT and en-GB
For confirmation page I made: an it-IT article and an en-GB article.
The articles are associated correctly (it-IT to en-GB and vice versa).
I created two menu items, one per language, and linked them to the two articles.
I then associated the two menu items as well (it-IT to en-GB and vice versa).
The it-IT menu item has Itemid = 161
The en-GB menu item has Itemid = 162
In the Acymailing (v9.7.0) "Redirection after confirmation" parameter I entered index.php?Itemid=161
The confirmation page works with it-IT language.
The confirmation page does not works with en-GB language, it results in a 404 error
for url domain.mine/en/index.php?Itemid=161
So I tried to set the menu item 161 to language all instead of language it-IT
Same results.
What do I need to correct to make it work?
To provide you with the best assistance possible, I kindly request that you submit a support ticket through our website at https://www.acymailing.com/support/. Our team will be able to efficiently and effectively provide you with the assistance you need.
Please note that our ticket support is exclusively available for our customers with an active Essential or Enterprise license. If your license has expired or you are using the Starter version, we kindly invite you to renew or upgrade your license prior to opening your support ticket.
I am developing a site in localhost and need to decide what to use for the newsletter: AcyMailing, MailChimp or SendinBlue.
Of course -- being a startup site -- I am using the free version.
I am actually asking for clarification about a feature in the free version.
A feature that is supposed to support multilinguage but how to make it work is not documented at all.
I have searched the forum, but there are discordant and confusing answers.
I I've been working with Joomla multilingual for several years, so I'm not really a newbie, yet I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement it in the subscription confirmation.
I know how Joomla! multilinguage works as you can get a feel for it by reading my detailed post.
I think you need to make a dedicated article or expand the documentation instead of asking for money.... or allow only paying users to access and write forum posts, considering that non-paying users are not considered.
The redirect after confirmation is just a redirect. No more, no less. Once the user is redirected it's Joomla that serves the proper page and it's Joomla that is handling the multilingual options. So it's either something in your Joomla install or on your webserver that is causing the issue.
I did some research and found that there can be issues with handling the Joomla multilingual features on some server configurations. You'll find more information about this issue in this Github thread: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/issues/35541
a redirect cannot make Joomla automatically change the language unless its target is the home page.
I read GitHub link, but I haven't any issue on my multilanguage site and I don't use "Remove URL Language Code" parameter in the language filter plugin.
Multilingual status check on Joomla! show me everythings is ok.
I think it is impossible to specify one URL pointing to contents other than home page and hope Joomla! change automatically the language.
If you can do such a thing, please tell me how you do it. Give me an example.
To get a page in a specific language, we usually add the "lang" or "language" parameter to the URL (it depends if a translation extension is installed).
For example to get a Joomla article URL, we use this Joomla code:
$languageCode = 'de'; // Or "de-DE"
$url = RouteHelper::getArticleRoute('305:my-article-alias', $categoryId, $languageCode);
For other URLs, we add "&lang=de" when the Joomla plugin "System - Language Filter" is active, or "language=de-DE" when it is not (using FaLang for example).
I've "System - Language" filter plugin active.
In my example confirmation page in "it-IT" language is
Add the query string parameter lang=en
does not solve the problems.
Returns 404 error.
Have you tested confirmation email in multilanguage site build on Joomla! 5?
My Joomla! version is 5.1.2.