gabornemeth Hi, unsubscribe page (acym/frontusers/unsubscribe) this page displays without any templates. How can we fix this? in the type of the menu which should we choose, because we cannot make a template to this place.
jvstratum Hi, The unsubscribe page is not using a menu item. Intead it's using your default tepnate with a component view. To display the unsubscribe form in you teplate you nee to enable this option in Acymailing->Configuration->Subscription under the Advanced Section.
jvstratum There was a change in the way the unsubscribe page works. I'm sorry, I overlooked that it's not possible anymore to display the unsubscribe page inside your website's template. In case you need to add visual elements to your unsubcribe page you can do so by creating a page override. It's explained here: