jvstratum thanks for the reply but ive already attempted both the normal and manual update process.. both failed with the erro outlined in the thread. of course ive backed up and restorded the site. would uninstalling be worth a try? would i lose my db records of those who have registered?

jvstratum yes i did and that failed. ive uninstalled and attpemted to install a fresh version (the latest) now i cannot install the new version.. i get "WarningUnknown column 'parent_id' in 'where clause'"


    Did you also manually delete the folder /administrator/components/com_acym and all its subfolders?

    Normally you should be able to solve the unknown column errors by running a database integrity check in Acymailing->Configuration->Security. The button is at the bottom of that page.

      jvstratum I had already attempted that to no avail...my next option was to uninstall.. did that and now when installing the latest version it fails with "Unknown column 'parent_id' in 'where clause'" any ideas? if not i'll give up and use either another plugin or just go with an external service. im sure its user error on my part somewhere

        jvstratum thanks but im using the free version and i do not expect support if im not paying for a subscription


        do you have older (version 6) installation packages which you downloaded in the past?

        If you do have older installation packages, start to install them from the oldest to the latest one. After each installation, execute "Check database" under the AcyMailing Configuration -> Secuirty tab

        a month later

        Here is how I solved the problem: I connected by ftp, I renamed the folder '' acymytriggers '' in order to have access to my administrator.
        the path: plugins / system / acymailling
        modification plugins / system / xxacymailling
        Then I uninstalled Acymalling.

        a year later

        Also having this issue after updating to V7. Here is a list of my ACM related installations. Does it look correct? Should I uninstall any of these?

        Status	Name	Location	Type	Version	Date	Author	Folder	Package ID	ID

        Administrator Component 7.7.3 December 2021 Acyba N/A 10727

        AcyMailing - JCE integration
        Site Plugin 7.7.3 December 2018 Acyba system 10730

        AcyMailing - Joomla integration
        Site Plugin 7.7.3 April 2019 Acyba system 10729

        AcyMailing - Override Joomla emails
        Site Plugin 7.7.3 October 2020 Acyba system 10832

        AcyMailing - Search emails in Joomla search bar
        Site Plugin 7.7.3 January 2021 Acyba search 10876

        AcyMailing : (auto)Subscribe during Joomla registration
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba system 10767

        AcyMailing : Handle Click tracking part1
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10762

        AcyMailing : Handle Click tracking part2
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba system 10765

        AcyMailing : Inbox actions
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10751

        AcyMailing : Send mail while editing an article
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba system 10768

        AcyMailing Editor
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba editors 10763

        AcyMailing Geolocation : Tag and filter
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10748

        AcyMailing JCE integration
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba system 10766

        AcyMailing subscription form
        Site Module 7.7.3 August 2018 Acyba N/A 10728

        AcyMailing Tag : Date / Time
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10759

        AcyMailing Tag : Insert a Module
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10756

        AcyMailing Tag : Joomla User Information
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10760

        AcyMailing Tag : Manage the Subscription
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10758

        AcyMailing Tag : Subscriber information
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10757

        AcyMailing Template Class Replacer
        Site Plugin 5.10.13 March 2020 Acyba acymailing 10761

        Convert Forms - AcyMailing Integration
        Site Plugin 1.0 November 2015 Tassos Marinos convertforms 10663

        ALSO, if I uninstall ACYMaling entirely, then re-install, will my templates and emails and data still be there?

        Thanks for your advice.


          Uninstall everything that is not version 7.

          In case you need further assistance, please don't use a very old threads like this one. Instead start your own new thread. Thank you for understanding.

          9 days later

          That seems to have fixed it. Thanks. Simply disabling them didn't work, but uninstalling them did.

          Why would this be? If a plugin is disabled, how does it still get involved?


          (Apologies for adding to the old thread, I overlooked your comment.)