• AcyMailing 5
  • Automatically remind subscribers who did not complete double opt-in

I would like to automatically reach out to users who did not confirm their subscription a day after they tried to subscribe. How would I do that?


In v5 you can manually send a reminder with confirmation link to your unconfirmed users using a mass action.

In v7 Enterprise you can setup an Automation to run this process automaticly, just like the way you asked.

  • ayko replied to this.
    2 years later


    I'm not sure how to handle it by mass action.
    I created the Filter and selected "Wait Confirmation" + "Newsletter List" -> 406 results.
    I clicked on mass action "add email in the queue" and selected my created Campagin-Followup Newsletter.

    All emails were added to the queue an after processing the queue I got the results "email not sent" -> Reason "email not confirmed".

    Of course they are not confirmed, that's the reason for the reminder.

    How could I solve this? Do you know it or maybe the ACYBA-Team has a hint or solution for this.



      You need to set the filter to "Acymailing field" and then select "Confirmed" with value "0"

      Under actions select "Add a mail to the queue" and select your confirmation mail.