After update 5.10.25 to 5.10.26 (Joomla 3.10.6) I'm getting this critical error: Class 'Acymailing Router' not found
Site is down.

    Same here on some websites - we installed older version of AcyMailing.

      Yes, but it's PRO-version - I don't think I am authorized to provide a download, sorry. Please ask support if they can provide an earlier version.
      Do you not have a backup that you can import?

      Same here, after update the error. Reinstalled previous version

      Ok, I found the problem - it's in module configuration - this error appearing when I choose Popup effect.

      I have the same problem - could you please explain what I have to do to get the homepage working again?

        Waldschule Base on my case: Go to modules, open module of subscribe form (check for module typ "AcyMailing 5 module"). In first section of setting you have 3 options of effects: Normal (no effect), Slide effect, Popup effect. I had Popup before and that was causing error. I've changed to Slide and now it works for me.

        I wasn't using a module. I was using an ACY Mail Manage Subscription page. I had to unpublish it, and the "Class 'AcymailingRouter' not found" disappeared.

        I had just finished updated PHP and Mariadb this morning. What a fine time to push a buggy ACY update.


        our developers took a look and there are two news about that

        1. it is happening because of the way Joomla cache is working. Joomla keeps a cached version of the installation XML file and doesn’t refresh it when updating an extension. The new folder has been added in the acymailing.xml file, but the cached version of this XML file doesn’t reference it, thus causing this issue

        2. The only fix I know is to either manually add the missing folder by unzipping the installation package, or uninstall AcyMailing 5 before installing the new version. Note that this error is random, it doesn’t happen for everyone, but yes this is very bad (especially since users can’t know this is the way Joomla works that breaks it)


        1. either uninstall previous version and install new installation package after that. I believe that this is not a good solution because you would need to recreate all the modules from the beginning
        2. from installation package, extract the following folder

        and upload it to the /com_acymailing/ folder on your server

          mihha Thanks, but tell me where I can find update package for AcyMailing Starter 5.10.26?

          Worked for me regarding the router error issue.

          Adding the router folder and files from the installation package did not work for me. I fixed my site by unpublishing a menu item of type Acymailing 5 - Latest Newsletter.

          Woke up this morning with the same issue.. uploaded this router directory and it works again. But I was still running version 25 and did not do any update ! We had a mailing yesterday so I guess we lost a lot of new customers :-// This should not have happened at all !

          Class 'AcymailingRouter' not found - same problem - will there be a next version update that solves this problem?

          If you check my reply above, you will see why is this happening and how to fix the issue

          Unfortunately, there is no way to clean up the Joomla cache during the update process, so you have to follow the procedure I explained

          OK; where can I download the AcyMailing Essential Version 5.10.27 ?

            Just create a new directory "router" and create the empty files "base.php" and "router.php" in that folder. This worked for me.

              kjk where can I download the AcyMailing Essential Version 5.10.27 ?

              Log in to Acyba website using your account. After that, visit your account pages and download the package from the License section

              • allg replied to this.

                allg Just create a new directory "router" and create the empty files "base.php" and "router.php" in that folder. This worked for me.

                This probably worked, but you are missing functionalities

                Please do as I suggested adding proper files